Ανδρέας Παναγόπουλος, MD, PhD Ορθοπαιδικός Χειρουργός - Αθλητίατρος, Καθηγητής Ορθοπαιδικής Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών
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  1. Dimakopoulos P, Papas M, Kaisidis A, Panagopoulos A, Lambiris E. Antegrade intramedullary nailing in humeral shaft fractures. OsteoTrauma Care 2003;11:S58-63. (pdf)
  2. Panagopoulos A, Tyllianakis M, Papadopoulos A.X, Giannikas D. Comminuted distal radial fracture with an 180o rotation of an articular fragment. SICOT Online Report, September 7th, 2003. (pdf)
  3. Papadopoulos A, Karabasi A, Panagopoulos A, Karageorgos A, Papas M, Lambiris E. Secondary intramedullary nailing for the treatment of complications of bone lengthening. Osteo Trauma Care 2004;12:145-150. (pdf)
  4. Panagopoulos A, Megas P, Kaisidis A, Dimakopoulos P. Radiotherapy-Resistant Solitary Bone Plasmacytoma of the Clavicle. European J Trauma Emerg Surg 2006;2:190-193. (pdf)
  5. Panagopoulos A, Megas P, Tyllianakis M, Dimakopoulos P, Lambiris E. Ceramic femoral head fracture with massive metallosis. Europ J Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 2006;16:55-59. (pdf)
  6. Lambiris E, Panagopoulos A, Zoumboulis P. Current concepts: Aseptic nonunion of femoral shaft diaphysis. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg 2007;2:120-134. (pdf)
  7. Kumar V, Triantafyllopoulos I, Panagopoulos A, Fitzgerald S, van Niekerk L. Deficiencies of MRI in the diagnosis of chronic symptomatic lateral ankle ligament injuries. Foot & Ankle Surgery 2007;13:171-176 (pdf)
  8. Panagopoulos A, Allom R and Compson J. Acute Static Volar Intercalated Segment Instability (VISI) of the Wrist: A Case Report.. J Med Diagn Meth 2013, 2:3 (pdf)
  9. Panagopoulos A, Ntourantonis D, Kouzelis A, Megas P. Successful treatment of infected femoral shaft nonunion with teriparatide after eradication of infection. Current Orthopaedic Practice. 2015 Sep 1;26(5):559-64. (pdf)
  10. Panagopoulos A, Bougiouklis D, Prelorentzos G, Grigoropoulos P, Kokkalis ZT, Chronopoulos E. Volar trans-scaphoid perilunate dislocation of the wrist. Med Sci Case Rep, 2017; 4: 14-18 (pdf)